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Hong Kong in Protest.

Hong Kong was always a dream destination, and last October I had the opportunity to visit. However, as it got closer to take off, the protests became a grey cloud hanging above us, with an unpredictable forecast for a sudden downpour at any given minute.  

CONTEXT: Since June 2019, Hong Kong is amidst protests against the extradition bill. On 9th June, nearly one million protestors marched to the government headquarters to show their resistance. This was just the beginning, the current demands of the Hong Kongers are beyond the bill, and are now seeking full democratic freedom. Unfortunately, violence has become a norm between protestors and the police, which has resulted in two deaths and many casualties. A resolution to the ongoing protests still feels distant.

Luckily, the 24 hours in Hong Kong remained a calm breeze. The city itself had a stiffness about it, even as the locals continued with their routines. Upon arriving at the hotel, it seemed sensible to ask the hotel desk about places to avoid in case of protests. However, the hotel staff looked at us as if we'd asked about 'He-who-shall-not-be-named'. After a few moments of awkwardness and approval from the manager, the receptionist got his phone out and highlighted some places we should try and avoid after 8 pm. This was the first of the many times when it felt like no one was willing to address the elephant in the room. 

The aftermath of the protests was painted on the streets loud and proud. The city's naked truth left on a show for everyone to see. Hong Kong didn't need a spokesman. It didn't matter whether nobody wanted to talk about it, it didn't matter what we saw on the news.

One day I wish to return to a Hong Kong that raises above the dark clouds that remain. Our time there was short yet fulfilling, and we explored to our heart's content. This was another instance where life reminded me not to judge a book by the cover. 

Here's a list of the places we were able to visit within 24 hours:

  • Tsim Sha Tsui

  • Victoria Harbour

  • Gateway

  • Temple Street Market 

  • Hong Kong Harbour

  • Ngong Ping 

  • The Big Buddha


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